Figure out what will work best for you and your students
Teach your students how you organize classroom.
Be consistent.
SUPER IMPORTANT names of GC work that is graded in PS MATCH EXACTLY
Consider adding link to GC assignment to PS
Include date on assignment posts
Organize your classroom so most current assignments/topics are at the top
BANNER (TITLE) for the classroom:
Add online account access/information it if you have a static book or resource the students will be using online to help mitigate… “heey what is the access info again?” emails. It can be done as you generate the class and fill out the “details” section or after the fact by
Click on gear in classroom, upper right hand corner
Click on details and add information there.
Will be part of the expand/pull down arrow in the bottom middle of banner.
Any work that students are expected to turn in should be posted as an assignment with a due date so that it will appear in student's TO DO lists.
When adding links, pdfs, clips, etc to an assignment or announcement - upload it Drive first
If you want the linked items in an assignment to be done in a specific order consider numbering the files in that order OR if you are referring to the linked items in the description be sure to use the exact names of the files OR use a hyperdoc.
When posting items such as EDPuzzles that do not register on GC when student completes, post as an assignment and remind students to click “Turned In” when completed so you know to check for that completed work on the other app.
If grading assignments on participation once student work is submitted, consider creating an answer key to link in the response to the student when returning the assignment.